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Date Added: 1st June, 2023
Author: Sleep Foundation
Common symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea in women include insomnia, morning headaches, and altered mood. Other symptoms may include snoring, restless legs and urinating more frequently at night.
Since much of the research on OSA has been performed on males, researchers are still learning how sleep apnea presents in women and those assigned female at birth. For this reason, it is important to talk with a doctor about any symptoms that may be sleep-related.
Breathing issues from OSA may wake a person up repeatedly during the night and cause symptoms of insomnia, or trouble getting back to sleep. Experts believe this insomnia is related to a physical stress response caused by disrupted breathing.
Having insomnia along with obstructive sleep apnea is linked to a worse quality of life, depression symptoms, and a higher risk of heart disease.
OSA can cause morning headaches as a result of reduced oxygen levels during sleep. Typically these are tension-type headaches, which feature a constant pain in the face, or around the head or neck.
Obstructive sleep apnea can cause mood symptoms such as anxiety and depression. People with OSA may also have trouble remembering things.
Snoring is considered a hallmark sleep apnea symptom, as it tends to represent a partially blocked airway. While OSA with snoring is more commonly reported in men, women who snore, particularly during periods such as pregnancy or menopause, are more likely to develop OSA. Other audible symptoms of sleep apnea include gasping and choking during sleep.
People with OSA have multiple mini-awakenings throughout the night, which can lead to poor-quality sleep and daytime tiredness. OSA may also cause excessive sleepiness throughout the day, especially during monotonous activities like sitting in a meeting.
When OSA wakes a person up at night, they may need to urinate. If they aren’t aware they have OSA, waking up to urinate may seem like the primary problem.
Although restless legs syndrome is a distinct disorder, women with OSA have been found to report restless legs. Restless legs symptoms involve an unpleasant sensation accompanied by a strong urge to move one’s legs. These symptoms may be even more common during times of hormonal changes, like puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.
Because hormones like estrogen and progesterone seem to protect against obstructive sleep apnea, people may be more likely to experience symptoms during pregnancy, menopause, or certain times of the menstrual cycle. Those with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) may also be at a higher risk for obstructive sleep apnea.
Some risk factors for OSA are universal regardless of sex or gender. Overweight and obesity are considered the strongest risk factors for OSA, particularly when accompanied by a larger neck circumference. Researchers consider that for women and people assigned female at birth, a neck circumference of 16 inches or greater raises the risk of obstructive sleep apnea. Obesity may be a particularly important OSA risk factor after menopause.
For all people, consuming alcohol and sedatives before bed can exacerbate sleep apnea symptoms. A blocked or stuffy nose from allergies or viral infections may also increase OSA symptoms. OSA appears to run in families, likely as a result of both genetics and shared lifestyle factors. Other OSA risk factors include physical differences in the jaw or upper airway, such as large tonsils.
Untreated sleep apnea can contribute to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. In addition, OSA may contribute directly to physical changes in the heart.
During pregnancy, OSA is linked to high blood pressure and pregnancy-related diabetes. Pregnant people with obstructive sleep apnea may be more likely to give birth early, require a cesarean section, or have a baby with low birth weight.
Poor sleep from OSA may cause daytime tiredness that raises the risk of car crashes. On a long-term basis, untreated OSA may also contribute to cognitive impairment and dementia in women.
There is little research on sleep apnea in transgender women. Some studies suggest that gender-affirming hormone therapy involving estrogen may lessen OSA symptoms.
Although gender-affirming treatments, like hormone therapy and surgery, may impact a transgender person’s OSA risk, other factors may also continue to play a role.
Sex-related biological or genetic differences can affect breathing pauses during sleep. Certain risk factors, such as the shape of the airway, may depend primarily on a person’s assigned sex at birth, and be unaffected by gender-affirming treatment
Researchers hope that future studies will shed light on the nuances of obstructive sleep apnea across sexes and how gender-affirming care affects symptoms and risks.
Based on studies comparing women and men, OSA is generally considered to be about twice as common in men, although this sex difference disappears once women reach menopause.
Some researchers suggest OSA is greatly underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed in women. These problems with accurate diagnosis could stem from the use of tools that are biased by gender or the way women experience or report their symptoms.
Obstructive sleep apnea can present differently in men and women due to hormones, physical differences, and differences in the way the body regulates breathing and muscle tone. Women may also report their symptoms differently and experience different risks related to OSA.
Snoring and daytime sleepiness are thought to be the hallmark symptoms of OSA. However, women may be more likely to experience trouble sleeping, morning headaches, and feelings of depression.
Talk to your doctor if you have symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, or if you believe you are at risk for OSA. A doctor can review your medical and sleep history and talk with you about a plan for diagnosing and treating your symptoms.
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